• cell phone image
  • ipad image
  • SQL image
  • computer image
  • cloud image
  • cell phone image
  • cell phone image
  • laptop image

Web Development Service

  • Website build: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery ...;
  • database setup: mySQL, Google cloud ...
  • Build REST API
  • Static and dynamic web building
  • Design Layouts, prototyping
  • Website deploy
  • user login and authentication verification
  • Set up payment and shipping
  • Update and maintain website content

EXCEL VBA Programming

  • Microsoft EXCEL VBA Programming
  • Build EXCEL models and automatic generate files
  • Customer reports
  • Pivot table and small scale Excel database
  • MySQL database set up and management
  • Construct user forms
  • Design table Layouts
  • Clean up data
  • Improve current database
mac top mac cover
mac cover mac bottom

Sample Projects

Phone Store Example

Build by using Reactjs as frontend, google cloud as backend database, user can get to see the ordering history and as owner admin can manage backend database such as uploading/deleteing your products, checking customer users seeing the sales.

Things you can try: you can Sign Up to find out the admin password to login to admin account to test upload products and other function

* * * Need more information about it?
booking brainstorming image
Sample of Google Cloud

Build by using HTML&CSS, Javascript as frontend, and using google cloud as backend. the project mainly demonstrate how backend data managed, and the data sets interact each other, click check project model to check

Things you can try: you can try to add/edit task/rewards data to test(admin only), remove/delete user's task/rewards, Sign Up to find admin login info.

* * * Contact us for more information?
Google Cloud image
Welltest AOF

This is Petroleum engineering application built with google cloud on the back end and React on the front.

Things you can try: generate AOF PDF report, reservoir inputs

* * * Need to know more information?
Google Cloud image
Employee and Menu Management

This is a dynamic website project. It is built on React and REST API. It allows users to interact with the database and it is written using server-side JavaScript, using the knowledge of Node.js, Express, and SQL as a long client-side scripting of HTML&CSS. Functions include create, view, update, and delete customer tables such as menu table, menuitem table employee table and employee’s timesheets table. It works on localhost currently.

* * * Want to know more details about it?
employee manager image
Working Order and Save History Data

This is an Excel project, it is a factory working order generator with a small scale of a database to save the history data. The functions include print out PDF file, save data and lookup data.

* * * Questions about this?
working order image

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This function is using real-time streaming data, please feel free to test it, happy playing!